It Starts Today Missouri

Did you know there is a way to fund

every Democratic nominee

for the Missouri state legislature that believes in

- and will vote for -

common sense gun reform?

You just found it!

Join us.

If you’re like most Missourians, you’ve been shocked by the Missouri legislature’s passage of radical pro-guns-everywhere legislation, even in the face of opposition by law enforcement, educators, clergy and parents. It’s clear that the legislators in Jefferson City aren’t listening to the voices of the people of Missouri (maybe because their ears are stuffed with the NRA’s cash).

Our aim is to show the Missouri legislature that we won’t just oppose legislators that promote a guns-everywhere agenda - but that we’ll actively fund legislators who prioritize our safety by favoring common sense gun reform. We think of it as a carrot-and-stick approach. (Hey, if it works with six-year-olds, it will probably work with lawmakers.)

While we may not be affiliated with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense In America, we agree wholeheartedly with their mission and recognize them as the experts on this issue in Missouri. Therefore, we define our Gun Reform nominees as those Democratic nominees for Missouri legislature that have earned (and publicly announced) the Moms Demand candidate of distinction award or endorsement.

$  / month

Contributions are to IST-MO GUN REFORM NOMINEE PAC NUMBER ONE (90%)—the stated purpose of which is to make contributions, in equal amounts, directly to “Gun Reform” Democratic nominees for Missouri state legislature—and It Starts Today Missouri (10%) which will use the funds to cover costs of vetting Gun Reform nominees, administration and, most importantly, filing compliance reports with the Missouri Ethics Commission.

IST-MO GUN REFORM NOMINEE PAC NUMBER ONE will be the sole arbiter of what constitutes a Gun Reform nominee. That said, in 2018, we defined a Gun Reform nominee as any Democratic nominee for Missouri state legislature who had earned and publicly shared their Gun Sense Candidate distinction from Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America or were included in the website. We are keeping that definition for 2020. However, we reserve the right to include endorsees of other statewide or national organizations advocating for gun reform.

Paid for by It Starts Today Missouri and not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.